77th parallel north

77th parallel north

The 77th parallel north is a circle of latitude that is 77 degrees north of the Earth's equatorial plane, in the Arctic. It crosses the Atlantic Ocean, Europe, Asia, the Arctic Ocean and North America.
Starting at the Prime Meridian and heading eastwards, the parallel 77° north passes through:

Co-ordinates Country, territory or sea Notes
Atlantic Ocean Greenland Sea
 Norway Svalbard - island of Spitsbergen
Barents Sea
 Russia Novaya Zemlya - Severny Island (northernmost point)
Kara Sea
 Russia Slozhnyy Island
Kara Sea
 Russia Russkiy Island
Kara Sea
 Russia Taymyr Peninsula
Laptev Sea
 Russia Faddey Islands
Laptev Sea
Arctic Ocean
East Siberian Sea Passing just south of Henrietta Island,  Russia
Arctic Ocean
 Canada Northwest Territories - Prince Patrick Island
Moore Bay
Unnamed waterbody Passing just north of Emerald Isle, Northwest Territories,  Canada
Passing just south of Fitzwilliam Owen Island, Northwest Territories,  Canada
Passing just south of Eight Bears Island, Northwest Territories,  Canada
Hazen Strait Passing just north of Vesey Hamilton Island, Nunavut,  Canada
Byam Martin Channel
Desbarats Strait Passing just south of the Findlay Group, Nunavut,  Canada
Unnamed waterbody
 Canada Nunavut - Crescent Island
Napier Bay
 Canada Nunavut - Devon Island
Norwegian Bay
 Canada Nunavut - Ellesmere Island
Baffin Bay Smith Bay
 Canada Nunavut - Ellesmere Island
Baffin Bay
Atlantic Ocean Greenland Sea

See also